this past week has been so absolutely insane... i have every reason to believe it will continue to be insane. i have so much due... but its okay. itll be worth it when i get into my dream schools. i have my questbridge application due the 26th, and im so worried about not having time, because cirumstances have very unfortunately not allowed me to work on it, but i am sure that tomorrow i can at least grindset it... with response drafts, and then over the weekend i can finally force my parents to sit down help me fill out the part that proves im first gen

lately though ive been able to wake up and actually do homework before going off to my internship... it makes me feel a lot better... my goal tomorrow is to work on some biology notes tomorrow morning, and ideally, id finish up my current lesson, but after that, when i get home.. i plan to work on studying, on an essay ive got due, and ESPECIALLY my healthcare assignment which is urgently due tomorrow. im sure i can finish all of that before 7, and then by 7 i can work on my application until i go to bed... it will be miserable, but id rather feel the pain of discipline than regret (i.e., regretting not working and i end up at... god forbid. uwg :skull:)

and then once i finally finish my application, i plan to grindset sat + my art competition piece... bc if i dont get a 1500+ i might do something heinous! no one gets it because i keep getting told i should be fine with my prior scores but no one understands that things are different when ur a first gen like me... you dont get the graciousness because you dont really understand college anyway.... v_v weh